
Anthony Bastiaanssen Named Chair of REFBC Board of Governors
Peace River region

Peace River region, Treaty 8 First Nations territory. Photo: Ryan Dickie

Anthony Bastiaanssen Named Chair of REFBC Board of Governors

The Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) is pleased to announce Anthony Bastiaanssen as the Chair of the Board of Governors for 2024-25.

Anthony is a realtor and managing broker based in the Okanagan Valley. He has held numerous governance roles in the real estate sector, including chair of the BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) and president of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board, and he currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Real Estate Association. Serving his local community, Anthony has sat on the Kelowna Métis Association’s Board of Directors and chairs an advisory committee for his local municipality. BCREA appointed Anthony to the REFBC Board in 2022.

“I am very honored to serve as Chair of REFBC. The impactful work that REFBC supports in our province and the relationships being built with First Nations are inspiring. The Foundation’s commitment to take action on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is key in guiding this work.”

Anthony Bastiaanssen, Chair

As well, Toni Boot was elected Vice-Chair for 2024-25 at REFBC’s Annual General Meeting on June 12.

Toni is a former mayor and councillor of the District of Summerland. She taught at Okanagan College for several years and has served as a director with the Okanagan Basin Water Board and Grasslands Conservation Council of BC. The BC Minister of Finance appointed Toni to the REFBC Board in 2023.

“REFBC grants benefit communities across BC. I’m excited about meeting the Foundation’s partners and collaborators and learning from diverse community leaders and changemakers.”

Toni Boot, Vice-Chair

REFBC is grateful to Stacey Tyers, who served as Chair from 2022 to 2024, for her compassionate leadership and behind-the-scenes support.

The Real Estate Foundation of BC is a philanthropic organization working to advance sustainable, equitable, and socially just land use across BC. REFBC funds projects, connects people, and shares knowledge.

REFBC Chair Anthony Bastiaanssen
REFBC Chair Anthony Bastiaanssen
REFBC Vice-Chair Toni Boot
REFBC Vice-Chair Toni Boot
Published on: August 2, 2024