The Real Estate Foundation approved a total of eight grants totalling $126,813 from our Grant Requests Up to $20,000 stream in December. The projects are listed below in alphabetical order, by recipient organization.
BC Real Estate Association to hire a coordinator to facilitate implementation of priority actions within the BCREA Floodplain Maps Action Plan over a full year. $20,000
City of Revelstoke to develop a food security strategy as part of the recently completed Integrated Community Sustainability Plan. $10,000
District of Houston to redraft the land use sections of the official community plan and accompanying bylaws to incorporate smart growth principles. $12,500
Simon Fraser University to develop three online courses for the SFU City Program’s new Next Generation Transportation certificate program. $15,000
Society for Organic Urban Land Care to pilot an education and accreditation system for organic land care in four communities, training government, non-profit and community members. $16,000
Sustainable Prosperity to study BC municipal authority to levy fees that could help manage sprawl and encourage sustainable transportation; recommend law reforms. $13,763
University of British Columbia to coordinate findings and apply regenerative sustainability principles in neighbourhoods to develop a framework to apply in BC municipalities. $20,000
University of Victoria to evaluate the role of rain gardens as part of a comprehensive municipal stormwater management strategy for the City of Victoria. $19,550