The Real Estate Foundation’s Board of Governors approved 13 grants at the June grants meeting, totalling $1,357,999. This list is ordered alphabetically, by recipient organization.
Allan Brooks Nature Centre Society for year-one implementation of a regional biodiversity conservation strategy for the north and central Okanagan. $20,000
Be The Change Earth Alliance Society for a hands-on program to educate Surrey, Delta and Burnaby secondary students about human induced soil degradation and loss of arable land. $20,000
British Columbia Conservation Foundation to work with south coast local governments to address policy, knowledge and capacity gaps; integrate species at risk into land use planning. $70,060
Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable to create a farmland trust framework for BC; establish a local government supported land trust in the Capital Region as a case study. $29,000
City of Nanaimo for resources and training to help REALTORS® promote home energy efficiency improvements and energy labeling to their clients. $20,000
Community Energy Association to design and collaboratively implement Community Energy and Emissions Plans with local governments, First Nations and others across BC. $100,000
Comox Valley Project Watershed Society for the next phase of the K’ómoks Estuary Interactive Map; add information and videos to illustrate change over time and current issues. $26,000
North Shore Neighbourhood House to engage and train municipal staff and other stakeholders in order to build community capacity to implement the North Shore Food Charter. $80,000
Peace River Regional District for groundwater mapping and monitoring to build knowledge of the region’s aquifers and water quality; compile information in a public database. $200,000
Pembina Institute for Green Building Leaders initiatives: forum on net-zero building; home energy labelling in Metro Vancouver; GBL education and outreach. $297,839
POLIS Foundation for three years of research, implementation and engagement on water law reform in BC associated with the new Water Sustainability Act. $392,000
Sierra Club of BC Foundation for the Youth Environmental Leadership Program: sustainability education and stewardship projects in the Victoria and Vancouver regions. $15,500
West Kootenay Community EcoSociety for research, education and policy work to support development of a comprehensive stewardship strategy and management plan for Kootenay Lake. $87,600