
Transformative Actions for UNDRIP Advancement

Photo: Ryan Dickie

Transformative Actions for UNDRIP Advancement

Our plan for action on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

At the Real Estate Foundation of BC, we are trying to start and stay on a path of reconciliation that is grounded in truth. We are striving to embrace the opportunities of working in the spirit of reciprocity, building good relationships, decolonizing our ways of knowing and working, and upholding the rights and responsibilities of First Nations and Indigenous Peoples.

We are deeply committed to the Transformative Actions outlined in this report, and grateful for the leadership of our UNDRIP Fellow, Tara Marsden/Naxginkw. With Tara’s guidance, we have been able to engage with external knowledge-holders, advisors, and leaders, whose input is helping inform REFBC’s journey forward. We thank all who have joined us in conversations, responded to surveys, and offered us constructive feedback, which we will continue to seek out.

We want to recognize the tensions in our story, plan and measure our commitments to action, and make visible what we are (un)doing and (un)learning as we go. Our early steps have been far from perfect, but they have been rewarding. They’ve improved policies, practices, and relationships. They’ve strengthened our ability to make a difference in the lives of lands, waters, and people we want to see thrive.

Thank you so much for your interest in our work and commitments to date, and we hope you and others can find value and learnings by staying connected with us on our journey.


The Real Estate Foundation of BC (REFBC) is a philanthropic organization working to advance sustainable, equitable, and socially just land use across BC. REFBC was created by provincial legislation in 1985; the money that REFBC grants is a benefit of residential real estate transactions.

REFBC acknowledges that it works in the territories of First Nations across BC. The Foundation is committed to working in partnership with First Nations and supporting reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Taking steps to uphold the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is central to this commitment.

This report, Transformative Actions for UNDRIP Advancement (TAUA), outlines how UNDRIP relates to REFBC’s work and identifies 50 actions in support of UNDRIP implementation for the Foundation to undertake.

Published on: October 2, 2024